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  • Eucalyptus Blue GumEucalyptus Blue Gum Essential Oil 12ml

    Eucalyptus Blue Gum Essential Oil 12ml


    Botanical Name:    Eucalyptus globulus
    Country of Origin: Australia

    High Eucalyptol content. 90% 1,8 cineole. The world’s number one and a must-have in your medicine cabinet
    Colds, cough, flu, runny nose, ease breathing, virus fighter, immune booster, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic and much much more

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  • Eucalyptus Peppermint GumPeppermint Gum 12ml

    Peppermint Gum 12ml


    Botanical Name: Eucalyptus dives
    Country of Origin: Australia

    Eucalyptus Peppermint Gum has a strong spicy peppermint aroma it is known for treating, headaches, coughs, colds, flu, hay fever, sinus, respiratory conditions, muscular and joint pain and is a significant source of menthol and thymol.


    The health benefit properties are wide-ranging and include anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, decongestant, deodorant, anti-septic, anti-bacterial, stimulating, and other medicinal qualities.

    Australian Essential Oils Eucalyptus Peppermint Gum has strong spicy peppermint aroma it is known for treating, headaches, coughs, colds, flu, hay fever, sinus, respiratory conditions, muscular and joint pain and is a significant source of menthol and thymol.

    The health benefit properties are wide-ranging and include anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, decongestant, deodorant, anti-septic, anti-bacterial, stimulating, and other medicinal qualities.

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  • Rosalina Lavender Tea TreeRosalina Lavender Tea Tree 12ml

    Rosalina Lavender Tea Tree 12ml


    Botanical Name: Melaleuca ericifolia
    Country of Origin: Australia

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