Emotional Well-being
Pure Essential Oils for Emotional Well-Being
Essential Oils play a powerful role in assisting our emotional well-being. When we hold unresolved feelings of pain and hurt within, our heartfelt emotions, they may in turn cause our bodies physical pain. However physical pain may present itself first, due to unsurfaced emotions.
Previously we talked about the 5 Pillars of Health and Well-Being.
Mental, Physical, (of the body) Emotional and Spiritual (of the mind)
The 5th pillar being dis-ease or dis-harmony between any of the above.
Dis-Harmony can lead to severe illness therefore may need to be brought to the surface for Transformation and Healing.
Emotions and Feelings – Happy or Sad – Good or Bad ?
In today’s world the simple word “EMOTIONS” is one of complexity. Many an argumentative statements claims “you are just being emotional” , however what is not understood in the communication, is the simple word “FEELINGS” . Our feelings are our emotions.
For with every positive feeling or emotion there is a negative feeling or emotion. Happy or Sad – Good or Bad ?

Five Stages of Emotional Healing with essential oils Include;
Assist in Healing the Physical Body.
Assist in Healing the Heart
Assist in releasing limiting beliefs.
Increase spiritual awareness and connection.
Inspire the fulfillment of our life’s purpose.
Essential Oils are powerful in aiding with physical health. They are 40-60 times more powerful than herbs. They assist our bodies in fighting unfriendly microorganisms, purifying organs, glands and body systems, balancing body functions and raising the body’s vibration.
As the oils secure physical health, they can then give us the energy we need to penetrate the heart and enter the emotional realm by raising our vibrations. As your body lives in a higher vibration, it wants to release stagnant anger, sadness, grief, judgment and low self-worth. Those feelings of low vibration cannot coexist with your new environment of balance and peace that the essential oils helped to create.
Emotional healing occurs as the old feelings surface, you deal with them on a conscious level and then they release. Some feel as they begin to use the oils, that they are regressing, this is just part of the process of bringing those feelings to the surface. We must release trapped negative emotions before we can receive positive feelings. This step cannot be skipped.
It is important to remember that Essential Oils do not do our emotional work for us. They simply assist in the process.