
Fragonia Best New Talent

The uniqueness of Fragonia essential oil is its ability to work at a deep level, releasing both physical and emotional blockages. This essential oil possesses the ability to bring harmony, peace and balance.

Botanical Name: Agonis fragrans
Country of origin: Australia Only  


“When the power of love is greater than the love of power,
the world will know peace.”
– Jimi Hendrix

Like a candle carrying the light of dignity, Fragonia is fertiliser for the spirit, taking you beyond lingering hurts and emotional enmeshments stemming from any unresolved family issues.

Fragonia Essential Oil 12ml Agonis fragrans

When your life force has wilted and you are feeling fragile, frail, debilitated and separate, Fragonia will move you away from your fragility and lovingly demand that you call on your self-respect and dignity when dealing with memories of the far, far past.

Patterns of repetition in your consciousness can keep you trapped within the limitations of your personal history. What was in the past can uncannily show up again in the present. These patterns take the form of grooves in your emotional grid and denote patterns of energy layered with emotional scarring. Fragonia gently helps to remove those scars from the emotional framework, alleviating toxic residue and mental static.

As we become personally accountable for the accumulative effects of our emotions, thoughts and attitudes, purification practices are required to burn off layers of buried negative impressions, repressions and suppressions that come forth as old blockages are released.

You have the ability to mobilise your healing resources and Fragonia calls you to that place in your higher consciousness where you are connected to something far greater than yourself. As you build resilience, extra-ordinary shifts can occur in the psyche, where you can celebrate life, despite illness, dis-ease and emotional discomfort.

At the top of the spine, at the base of the skull, (see also occipital ridge muscle) there is an emotional release point which acts a filter for the nervous system and spine. By applying Fragonia to this reflex point the nervous system will relax, allowing feelings, emotions and thoughts to be processed differently.

Brisk friction massage alongside the spine with Fragonia is also an important aspect of this release, strengthening the power of the neural pathways.

Fragonia carries a unique energy pattern bringing the gift of the power of love. In each of us love is already in place. Perhaps you can simply, let love, love you.

  • Where do you carry fragility in your body, your psyche?
  • Do you require a re-solution to an old recurring issue?
  • What regular practice can you undertake, to counter negative thoughts and feelings with positive ones?

Blends well with: Kunzea, any Eucalyptus oils (for colds and flu), Lemon Tea Tree, Sandalwood

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